If you haven't already figured it out, I live in Texas. I haven't lived here very long, but you would think that with moving to Texas, you would see less cold and winter weather. But alas, when I woke up this morning, and the door opened to let my two little dogs out, snow coated the ground. Their little brown paws became white with the frozen water, and the snow that had yet to touch ground speckled their fur.
They are so cute.
And, with a flash of genius, I decided that I will try to call in this morning and request the day off. I do have a day that I must take before February, otherwise it will be deleted from my 'pool' of paid days off. It is still too early to call, but I'm hopeful.
However, if by some chance that there are no slots for me to take today off, I will have to embark out on these icy roads, and deal with the snow that still falls from the clouds.
With a heavy sigh, I stay awake. I'm going to call as soon as I can! In case other people have the same idea! No no no! No, I can't let other people steal my day!!
I live out in one of those towns that you might label 'podunky'. Yes, I did write it like that, and no you didn't read it wrong. Go ahead and say it just like it's spelled. Po. Dunk. Ee. Podunky. It's a very, very small town, and it is a ways off from my work, so it takes ten minutes to drive to work. And, in case you don't know, the weather always seems to be worse out here in the podunkies than it does in the big city where I work. So, I will have to persevere through the snow, risk sliding around and risk my safety JUST to make it to work...on time.
Because unlike other businesses, they expect us to be there regardless of the weather. They make up for themselves by sending us emails when there is 'inclement' weather predicted.
"Make arrangements to get to work!" They say. "The customers will still need our assistance." They tell us. "Stay with a friend the night before if needed."
Yes, I completely understand.
Yes, there is a but.
But, do they realize how easy it is to slide on icy roads and get in a wreck, EVEN if you are somewhat close to work.
So, this morning, I'll try to call in. And get today off.
I'll keep you posted, and maybe even post a picture of this beautiful weather!